Making Your Way in the Legal Sector
This blog post is designed to give individuals as much information as possible regarding the actual content of the ILEC exam, otherwise known as the International Legal English Certificate. The basic idea of the exam is to provide an assessment whereby those wanting to get involved in law can demonstrate that they are competent enough in the English language to do so.
This examination is quite frankly an essential for anybody who wants to make their mark on international law.
This blog post aims to reveal the ins and outs of what one can expect by actually deciphering what the exam actually consists of. The general overview of the examination is that it is split into four sections which are all of equal worth – 25% each. The four sections consist of the following; reading, writing, listening and speaking. A lot of people take this exam alongside their undergrad courses to help enhance their career prospects.
The reading part of the exam is an hour and fifteen minutes long. It consists of six parts with fifty four questions in total. The purpose of the reading section is to show that an individual can confidently and accurately deal with a vast selection of different texts which obviously are related to law.
The second section of the test is the writing part. Like the reading section this is also one hour and fifteen minutes long. The writing section is split into two different parts. The first part is shorter than the second. It consists of writing a letter which must be between one hundred and twenty and one hundred and eighty words in length. The second section of the writing segment consists of writing a memorandum, this must between two hundred and two hundred and fifty words in length. The aim of this part of the exam is obviously to display that one would be able to do this in practise.
As mentioned, the third section of the IELC exam is the listening part. This part of the exam is forty minutes long and it consists of four parts or thirty questions. This part of the exam basically requires the individual to listen to range of different materials that they would expect to find in every day law practise; these include things such as interviews and recorded telephone conversations. The aim is obviously to ensure that the person understands everything that is being related to them orally during any practise of law.
And finally, last but not least there is the speaking part of the examination. This is the shortest section, lasting only fifteen minutes. Similar to the listening section this contains four parts as well. The purpose of this part is obviously to ensure that the person in question can communicate efficiently and effectively in any law based situation.
To conclude, the ILEC exam is a thorough way of ensuring that an individual is competent in all areas of the English language with regards to law. It is an examination which is recognised all over the world. It is essential for anybody who hopes to make their mark on the area of international law – and the sooner it is acquired the better.