4 Amazing Ways to Stimulate Creativity
The fact is that if you want to prepare your brain for optimum performance, you’ve got to be more creative. Being creative is not just about putting pen to paper or painting, but being creative is an amazing way for you to exorcise certain demons and get your brain working in new and interesting ways. But what does it really take to stimulate creativity?
Cutting Out Distractions
If you want to start being creative, you may need to seclude yourself. Famously, Roald Dahl had a hut in his garden where he retreated to write every single day. And if you want to start creating, you may need a certain environment where you can focus but if this is not possible, think about the best ways to structure creativity. It could help you incorporate plans and make room for creativity in your life. The resource https://studentreasures.com/teachers-lounge/lesson-plans/ can get you started if you need to make a structure for your learning and development. Because if you are able to get away from the noise of everyday life, there could be a world of possibilities awaiting you.
Use Your Phone!
You might think that your phone is only going to be a distraction but we’re talking about being a photographer. Photographers see the world differently because they recognize the beauty in something mundane. When we start to look at life through a lens, we end up with a newfound perspective on events. Even pictures of our children can make us yearn for a moment of clarity or simplicity. And in fact, there are so many benefits to just taking more pictures in life. This list on https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/health/wellness/advice/a18949/take-more-pictures/ shows that taking more photos can actually make you a happier person. If you want to start as a photographer, you don’t need to get an expensive camera at all. And if you just want to be more creative by taking pictures, the solution is simple; get out there and start snapping away!
Start Collaborating
If you want to stimulate creativity in your life, sometimes we can’t rely on ourselves to get the juices flowing. Working with people in a similar field is an amazing way for you to share ideas and receive constructive feedback. But when it comes to collaborating, you don’t need to necessarily stick within the same parameters. For example, if you like painting and someone you know is a musician, you could “jam” by painting to their music and them playing to your painting. Collaboration is an amazing way to gain insights into yourself, but it also helps you to loosen up any inhibitions.
Do Things Differently
If you are trying to be creative, have you thought that you might be creative without knowing it? Doing things differently is an amazing way to just stimulate different parts of your brain and help you look at things with a fresh perspective. Something as simple as brushing your teeth with your opposite hand forces your brain to work in different ways!